Low Budget Professionally Produced Marketing Video

Shooting, editing and production requires specialized equipment and expertise. The most expensive process is shooting. If you have a small budget for marketing video production, here are some options you might want to consider in order to save time and money:

1. Combination of 10 Images (Slide Show) + graphics + music background + text
a. Duration of such video is about 40sec – 60sec
b.The price for such video is between $400 and $600

2. Combination of 10 Images (Slide Show) + graphics + voice over
a. Duration of such video is about 40sec – 60sec
b. The price for such video is between $500 and $800

3. Royalty-free Stock Footage + music background + text + voice over
a.       Duration of such video is about 40sec – 120sec
b.      The price for such video is between $1,000 and $1,300

This type of marketing video is the perfect choice for promoting start-ups, new business, new products or services. The quality of video editing and matching relevant music, images, voice over and style of the video, all depend on the video editor’s qualifications and the software he or she works with. When you hire an experienced, professional video editor, you’re sure of receiving topnotch quality and perfect results. There are many tools that can make a marketing video memorable, bright and unique. Professional video editors can do amazing work, even with still images, and create amazing stories about new brands, products and/or services.

The music should be original. There are many royalty-free compositions available online for you to choose from. Images should be High Resolution 1920 x 1080. Make sure that the voice-over is relevant and the quality of the sound is good.  If you follow these suggestions, your marketing video will look highly professional and, as a result, your marketing message will be delivered directly to your target audience.

Any questions? We are always glad to help you.
(416)721-3883, (416)728-2552
Invision Pro. Make your business visible.